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food access, equity & nutrition Resource Organizations


We are the Community Gardens of Tucson and we’d like to let you know about our volunteer opportunities for those in the community of Tucson. Every Saturday morning we host a garden work party at one of our 17 garden locations across town. These are a great way to connect with your community as well as help us maintain our gardens. Come out and help with weeding, spreading mulch, building raised beds, and so much more, all while making connections and meeting new people! We also have kids gardening courses that we would love volunteered help. We also have tabling events that occur during various parts of the year that we have open for volunteers to attend and help with as well as the opportunity to join a committee board if a volunteer would be interested in getting more involved with the Community Gardens of Tucson. There are opportunities for everyone at CGT! 

An evidence-based program that helps people make their SNAP dollars stretch, teaches them how to shop for and cook healthy meals, and leads physically active lifestyles. SNAP-Ed partners with State and local organizations to meet people where they are. SNAP-Ed initiatives include nutrition education classes, social marketing campaigns, and efforts to improve policies, systems, and the environment of communities.

The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona responds to the root causes of hunger, and seeks to restore dignity, health, opportunity and hope to people living in poverty. Our mission is to change lives in the communities we serve by feeding the hungry today, and building a healthy, hunger-free tomorrow. 

Nutrition Resolved is a nutrition counseling and education practice focused on providing accessible nutrition care to those who need it. 

Beyond’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of our community, through the use of good science and rational analysis. Today, Beyond is a non-profit that offers free education and opportunities to help people to be active and healthy. We take a holistic approach to strengthening our community through simple science-based methods. Our programs are based upon four pillars: move your body, eat nutritious foods, spend time in nature, and connect with others. We gather hundreds of people for weekly social walks, facilitate bicycle and nutrition programs in schools, and invite all ages and abilities out into nature.

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